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and Family

How we do Family Therapy using the

Attachment, Trauma and Intergenerational Trauma-Informed Family Play Therapy modality (treatment)

Our service offers a unique approach to therapy that focuses on strengthening the bond between family members through play. Using attachment-based play therapy, we create a safe and nurturing environment for families to explore and address their emotions and behaviors. With my extensive background in this field, I have seen firsthand the transformative power of this therapeutic modality in helping families build stronger connections and resolve conflicts.

Through the use of play, families can communicate in a nonverbal and expressive way, allowing for deeper understanding and healing. By fostering a secure attachment between family members, we can promote emotional regulation and enhance overall well-being. This approach has been proven effective in helping families overcome challenges and create healthier dynamics within the family unit.

- Tailored therapy sessions for each family member's integration in a healthy way
- Emphasis on building secure attachments
- Utilization of play as a therapeutic tool
- Holistic approach to addressing family dynamics
- Support and guidance for parents in nurturing healthy family relationships

Intergenerational Trauma-Informed Attachment Treatment

- Evidence-based interventions
- Personalized therapy sessions
- Safe and nurturing environment
- Focus on healing intergenerational trauma
- Empowerment towards resilience and growth

To address deep-seated emotional wounds passed down through generations of our families through our genes. By delving the intricate dynamics of attachment, we help individuals break free from the cycle of intergenerational pain and forge healthier, more secure relationships.

Clients who have undergone our treatment have reported profound transformations in their emotional well-being and interpersonal connections.

​Expressive Arts TheraBeez Mental Health Theraputic Services for Child, Teens and Adults Locationed Telehealth or In-person i

Role of the Therapist

The therapist provides structure, support, and insight to help the family members understand their attachment dynamics and develop healthier relationships.

To establish a safe and supportive environment for the family to explore and address attachment issues.

The therapist plays a key role in guiding the family towards healthier patterns of interaction and communication.

​Expressive Arts TheraBeez Mental Health Theraputic Services for Child, Teens and Adults Locationed Telehealth or In-person i

Attachment Patterns Exploration

Through exploration of past experiences and current behaviors, individuals gain insight into how attachment influences their relationships.

To increase awareness of attachment styles and their impact on family dynamics, leading to improved communication and emotional connections.

Examining the attachment patterns within the family helps uncover underlying issues that contribute to relational challenges.

​Expressive Arts TheraBeez Mental Health Theraputic Services for Child, Teens and Adults Locationed Telehealth or In-person i

Emotional Regulation Techniques

Using mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and emotion-focused strategies to help individuals regulate their emotions and respond constructively in challenging situations.

To equip individuals with skills to identify and cope with intense emotions in a healthy manner within the family context.

Teaching family members how to regulate emotions can enhance their ability to communicate effectively and manage conflict.

​Expressive Arts TheraBeez Mental Health Theraputic Services for Child, Teens and Adults Locationed Telehealth or In-person i

Family Attachment Narrative

Facilitating discussions and activities that encourage family members to reflect on their shared experiences, conflicts, and strengths to shape a coherent attachment narrative.

To foster a cohesive family identity and strengthen emotional bonds through the co-construction of a family attachment narrative.

Creating a shared narrative of the family's attachment history can promote understanding, empathy, and healing.

​Expressive Arts TheraBeez Mental Health Theraputic Services for Child, Teens and Adults Locationed Telehealth or In-person i

Attachment-Informed Interventions

Applying attachment-focused techniques such as role-playing, experiential exercises, and reflective dialogues to promote secure attachment and healthy relational dynamics.

To tailor therapeutic interventions to meet the unique attachment needs and challenges of each family member.

Implementing interventions based on attachment theory can address specific attachment-related issues within the family system.

​Expressive Arts TheraBeez Mental Health Theraputic Services for Child, Teens and Adults Locationed Telehealth or In-person i
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